What is the Enneagram?

A tool used to determine personality. Broken down into NINE different types of personalities, the goal of the Enneagram is to give you language for why you think, feel and act the way that you do.

How is the Enneagram useful?

Aside from the basic benefit of learning about yourself, I have found the Enneagram is most useful when used to think about relationships with and tendencies toward others—be it as a co-worker, parent, friend or spouse. It is also helpful in determining personal strengths and weaknesses which can lead to increasing the likelihood of reaching your goals.

What does the Enneagram have to do with coaching?

Determining and understanding your Enneagram number can lead to a more fruitful coaching relationship. Some of the obstacles you may be experiencing can be understood and overcome using the language that the Enneagram provides.

How does Ashley use the Enneagram?

I am certified in the Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales or more commonly known as the WEPSS test. This will help you determine your dominant Enneagram style. It also determines how much of each number makes up your personality. Using that test, and the language of the Enneagram, I can better coach you to reach your goals.

Learn more about the Enneagram.